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Please note that MC FLO only works with a valid license key.
Current status: 02-February-2025, version Fátima, Build
Date | Version | Category | Comments | |
26.01.2025 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE | Bounded distributions in Memory Calculation Engine | |
06.01.2025 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE | Super fast simulations: MEMORY CALCULATION - Monte-Carlo Simulation leicht gemacht | |
20.10.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE | Function fmc_BootstrapVector now with sum over Compound elements | |
11.08.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE | New functions Ribbon window | |
10.06.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE | Zoom for Input/Output/Correlation windows | |
22.05.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE / FIX | Bayes-Factor to comparare hypothesis based on Bayes' rule | |
25.03.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE / FIX | Support for multiple, linear bayesian regression / more examples / Minor error in DIP corrected | |
12.02.2024 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE/FIX | Support for linear bayesian regression / more examples | |
08.11.2023 |
Fátima III | FIX/ENHANCE | Lower and Upper Limit corrected for unbounded random variables. Now in case of multiple simulations the input variables can be inspected visually with their different variants | |
21.08.2023 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE/IMPROVE | Bayes classification / Extended examples | |
29.01.2023 |
Fátima III | IMPROVE | User defined variables - smoother registration and improved automatization | |
12.10.2022 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE/IMPROVE | The input, correlation and output variables can store any Excel function, even dynamic ones For all distribution functions/time series functions there is the option to declare a minimum and a maximum value; for continuous/time series functions additionally the option to use only discrete valuesSemivariance functions extended – you can use a lower or an upper bound for new two additional functions, Markov-Chain Monte Carlo extended: you can specify the number of bars for the histogram, from which the posterior distribution is sampled from | |
11.07.2022 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE/IMPROVE | Expert Elicitation process: MC FLO generates distributions based on defined QP pairs; AR/MA/ARMA process rearranged to provide intervals based on bootstrapping; Some bugs eliminated (e.g. language/culture localization) | |
24.04.2022 |
Fátima III | ENHANCE/IMPROVE | Logistic distribution added; AIC information changed for normal distribution | |
28.03.2022 |
Fátima III | FIX/IMPROVE | Error on visual designer for hypergeometric distribution fixed; some examples "downgraded" to run on earlier versions of Microsoft Excel | |
13.02.2022 |
Fátima III | IMPROVE | Distribution fitting and multiple simulation optimized | |
09.12.2022 |
Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | Kernel density estimation, new and adapted examples | |
05.12.2021 |
Fátima III | IMPROVE | MCMC updated - use of normal instead of uniform proposal distribution; former uniform proposal can be used with fmc_BayesMCMCA function; different chart options (area, column, line) on model window. | |
29.09.2021 |
Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | Bayesian inference | |
28.06.2021 13.06.2021 24.05.2021 |
Fátima III | FIX/IMPROVE | Expected shortfall extended for right-tail area; dynamic best / real / word case definition; multiple analysis of different variables simplified; function fmcFinancialDTrans for leap years; function semi-variance with threshold; Option to place output window as topmost; New functions (extended Bayesian calculations, simple function for the calculation of all correlation combinations and their corresponding correlation coefficients), quantitative risk map, adapted manual | |
10.05.2021 |
Fátima III | FIX | Exception handling on dynamic sensitivity | |
23.02.2021 | Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | New functions and dynamic sensitivity extended | |
06.02.2021 | Fátima III | FIX | Error on bootstrap mean | |
25.01.2021 | Fátima III | FIX/IMPROVE | Fast visual simulation (see video); Q-Q Plots for fitted distributions; improved fitting for beta distribution, automatic adjustment of correlation coefficients | |
31.12.2020 | Fátima III | FIX/IMPROVE | New functions (such as portfolio composition), DIP (Decision Information Package, see video); fmc_Name can now be used across multiple worksheets and workbooks. More examples | |
21.11.2020 | Fátima III | IMPROVE | New functions and extended portfolio capabilities | |
01.11.2020 | Fátima III | FIX/IMPROVE | Error on function fMC_ExtremeValue corrected; new function fMC_Name to extract the variable name of a given cell | |
18.10.2020 | Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | New function to sum the values of a distributin. Excel-Check to investigate the model consistency. Kaos and IntelliSense library integrated into .xll file. Minor error bugs (correlation window for user-defined distributions) | |
28.09.2020 | Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | Accounting functions (linear depreciation), improved visual simulation | |
10.08.2020 | Fátima III | NEW/IMPROVE | Newcomb-Benford und Last-Digit-Test | |
20.07.2020 | Fátima III | IMPROVE | Find it out :-) | |
09.07.2020 | Fátima III | FIX/IMPOVE/NEW | Error exporting large amounts of data in Excel corrected, increased speed (up to 2x faster), improved hints during model definition; new distribution to bound (truncate) existing discrete and continuous distribution | |
29.06.2020 | Fátima | IMPROVE | New functions to construct a portfolio. Empty spaces are now supported to define variables, being consistent with the name manager policy of Excel. If you delete a variable, the references to that variable is replaced by "0", again to preserve Excel logic consistency; see wiki contribution (in German). | |
13.06.2020 | Fátima | IMPROVE/FIX/NEW | Reference to Excel cells in graphical wizard, online reference. Markov chain process (like rating estimation). User defined distribution adapted for discrete values. Analyse multiple variables at a glance (see video [without sound]). | |
11.05.2020 | Fátima | FIX | Error on Pascal distribution fixed | |
29.04.2020 | Fátima | IMPROVE | Name of a variable can be introduced directly by reference using ribbon commando (see video). Cumulative update | |
04.04.2020 | Fátima | FIX/IMPROVE | Error on distribution fitting for lognormal distribution fixed; AIC for gamma distribution adjusted; fitting for beta distribution improved; graphical thresholds for confidence level | |
15.03.2020 | Fátima | IMPROVE | Fátima I. Certainty level and thresholds in the output window. Example file extended with formulas and descriptions | |
20.02.2020 | Fátima | FIX | Enhanced error messages; fixed an error on user defined variables | |
09.02.2020 | Fátima | New | Version Fátima | |
26.12.2019 | Sebastián | IMPROVE | Minor improvements, Box-Whisker plots for multiple simulations enabled; Bugfix multiple labels on multiple simulation window; improved graphs for discrete distributions; simplification of fitting procedure. New functions for the analysis of extreme values and interval correlations; color highlighting for spider diagrams; new descriptions for several windows | |
10.10.2019 | Sebastián | FIX/IMPROVE | Update | |
15.09.2019 | Sebastián | NEW | Version Sebastián | |
22.08.2019 | Sofía | FIX | Fixed an error in defining correlations across worksheets; Optimization when storing the result workbook. Visual simulation adapted. Error export/import MC FLO functions corrected. Preview window adapted | |
01/07/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE |
Blocking variables extended to user-defined variables. Default mean value of
discrete user-defined variables corrected. Screen resolution and export optimized. Visual simulation optimized. Calculation speed increased. Possibilty to run a simulation off-line if
internet connection is temporally not available. Magic stripe adapted for discrete distributions |
26/05/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Exceptions on time series process corrected; validation of license key improved | |
19/05/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Graphical variable introduction - user defined variables now doesn´t overwirte another variable in the name manager, flow optimized | |
05/05/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Poisson distribution for large average values; U-test for ARCH model; user handling with user definied variables optimized | |
26/04/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Full support for sheets with empty spaces; several improvements and minor corrections | |
18/04/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Fitting Gamma distribution corrected; several improvements: limit for correlations in result window, cumulative distribution function for discrete random variables | |
10/04/2019 | Sofía | FIX | Sorting algorithm for Excel | |
06/04/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Show correlations raised an exception | |
31/03/2019 | Sofía | FIX/IMPROVE | Critical bug on correlations for user defined variables; several improvements | |
21/03/2019 | Sofía | FIX |
Buffer overflow on magic stripe
corrected. Improvement in presentation (thousand separator) |
24/02/2019 | Sofía | FIX | Various windows optimized for different screen resolutions | |
18/02/2019 | Sofía | FIX/ENHANCE | Poisson distribution available again; Improved evaluations for discrete distributions | |
11/02/2019 | Sofía | ENHANCE | Bootstrapping extended for percentiles | |
03/02/2019 | Sofía | ENHANCE | New version | |
28/01/2019 | Sofía | ENHANCE | Preview Sofía I.: user defined random variables (see video, illustrations in german) | |
09/01/2019 | Sofía | FIX/ENHANCE | Sorting adapted for complementary functions; for batch function now reference to other cells are now supported for the parameters | |
02/01/2019 | Sofía | ENHANCE | Simulation of forecast data for time series in map distribution windows | |
17/12/2018 | Sofía | ENHANCE | New version | |
12/12/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Correlations adapted | |
14/11/2018 | Santiago | FIX/ENHANCE | Statistical functions added to evaluate a simulation, like expected shortfall, semi-variance, expected gain, percentile; documentation updated | |
22/09/2018 | Santiago | FIX/ENHANCE | Color und distance between bars of the histogram can be changed. User manual actualized | |
09/09/2018 | Santiago | FIX/ENHANCE | Naming for linear regression adapted in sheet "Sensitivity". User manual actualized | |
07/09/2018 | Santiago | FIX/ENHANCE | Linear regression adapted. Estimation using linear regression in sensitivity analysis | |
06/09/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Tornado chart automatically actualized after been called from preview mode | |
02/09/2018 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Window fit distribution extended; Magic stripe available and results of distribution fitting can now be copied to the clipboard | |
19/08/2018 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Excel range limits (rows, columns) are taken into account when manipulating large Excel data files | |
04/08/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Critical bug fixed from last version. We apologize for that | |
01/08/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Number of iterations in context of visual simulation adapted in result workbook | |
30/07/2018 | Santiago | ENHANCE/IMPROVE |
Santiago V. |
05/07/2018 | Santiago | IMPROVE | User manual updated | |
25/06/2018 | Santiago | FIX/IMPROVE | Minor corrections, range checking using graphical wizard | |
05/06/2018 | Santiago | FIX/IMPROVE | Minor corrections, correlation window adapted | |
27/05/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Minor corrections | |
19/05/2018 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Update Santiago IIIa | |
02/05/2018 | Santiago | FIX/IMPROVE | Variance estimator for MA(1) process improved; Possibility to load/register manually created functions now available for output variables and correlations | |
08/04/2018 | Santiago | IMPROVE | Parameter evaluation for fMC_Batch_Time function with native Excel Evaluate method | |
22/03/2018 | Santiago | IMPROVE | Linear regression for better automatic selection of a time process | |
17/03/2018 | Santiago | FIX |
Overflow on chi2 fitting corrected |
04/03/2018 | Santiago | ENHANCE |
Update III |
18/01/2018 | Santiago | FIX |
ARMA(1,1) model adjusted for fitting |
14/01/2018 | Santiago | IMPROVE |
Improved fitting with method of moments Pareto distribution now with minimum > 0. Extended parameter description for exponential and gamma distribution. |
04/01/2018 | Santiago | FIX | Random number generator for visual simulation adapted | |
02/01/2018 | Santiago | IMPROVE | Results are stored faster | |
29/12/2017 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Update Santiago | |
10/12/2017 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Preview mode for correlations | |
26/11/2017 | Santiago | ENHANCE | Statistics for preview mode | |
10/10/2017 | Santiago | ENHANCE | New version Santiago | |
09/09/2017 | Sotelo | IMPROVE | Fitting function optimized for large data | |
04/09/2017 | Sotelo | FIX | Correlations for one period time series fixed | |
18/08/2017 | Sotelo | FIX | Sum for time series adjusted to calculate Value at risk | |
08/08/2017 | Sotelo | FIX | Parameter UseBefore on time processes AR(1) and Wiener adjusted | |
02/08/2017 | Sotelo | IMPROVE | Theil's U statistics for time series improved | |
31/07/2017 | Sotelo | ENHANCE | Aggregation for time series | |
22/07/2017 | Sotelo | ENHANCE | Visual correlation building, Iman-Conover now for time series | |
28/05/2017 | Sotelo | FIX | Offline data loaded completely | |
14/05/2017 | Sotelo | ENHANCE | New version Sotelo | |
09/04/2017 | Lumeares | FIX | Distribution parameters standardised across input formulas and visual wizard | |
09/04/2017 | Lumeares | ENHANCE | Pre-visualisation of input variables (easter egg) | |
19/03/2017 | Lumeares | ENHANCE | Lock / unlock input variables | |
19/03/2017 | Lumeares | FIX | Better support for visual simulation | |
12/03/2017 | Lumeares | ENHANCE | Kurtosis and skewness completed | |
01/03/2017 | Lumeares | FIX | Orthographic corrections (English) | |
18/02/2017 | Lumeares | FIX | Language settings (English) | |
18/02/2017 | Lumeares | ENHANCE | Result template added |